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Datendrehscheibe für eine vernetzte Welt

Integration platforms help break down silos, minimize administrative effort and security risks, and put the user at the…

In pursuit of an API-first culture

Tech Informed |
Brian Otten investigates how having an API guild is the solution to API operationalization.

Axway launcht Amplify Enterprise Marketplace

IT Zoom |
Axway launches Amplify Enterprise Marketplace to bridge the gap between API development and API consumption.

Axway recognised for API management success

Finextra |
Axway is positioned by Gartner as a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant™ for Full Life Cycle API Management

Axway est nommé Leader dans le Magic Quadrant™ du Gartner® 2022 dédié à la gestion du cycle de vie complet des API.

Silicon |
Axway named a Leader for the seventh time in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Full Life Cycle API Management.

Movimento Open Everything é discutido em conferência de especialistas financeiros

Jornal Dia Dia |
Fernando Ferreira discusses how the opening of data by organizations is already a reality that provides smarter and…

Des réseaux sociaux à l'acte d'achat, les API au service d'une meilleure expérience client dans le e-commerce ? |
Mourad Jaakou describes how APIs can build a better customer experience in e-commerce, from social networks to the act…

Axway veut faciliter la prolifération des marketplaces d'API

Le Mag IT |
Axway announces the availability of Amplify Enterprise Marketplace, a platform to drive API consumption.

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