"The feedback with receive from this program is simply enormous. Internally, we get a lot of positive feedback also from our management board, and externally our partners want to get insights on what we are doing."
Opportunities to advocate your success
Grow your network
Expand your exposure to marketplace trends, share best practices, and develop partnerships with influencers
Grow your brand
Take part in speaking and press engagements to cultivate your personal brand
Co-market with others
Elevate your brand in the form of video, press, and external assets through co-marketing activities
Confer with leaders
Build relationships and share strategies with privileged access to the Axway executive committee
Make your voice heard
Join our Customer Advisory Board to preview the product roadmap
Be future-ready
Participate in co-innovation programs and enjoy discounted certification training
Delivering greater digital business value

"Our Axway connections have allowed us to collaborate with industry thought leaders, rapidly advancing Highmark’s API Program to deliver digital business value. Our health plan customers are noticing."
— Marc Patterson, HM Health,
Lead Architect, Enterprise Architecture Strategy and Innovation
Staying connected with thought leaders
"Partnering with Axway to share our success is a great way to show our customers the work we are doing to provide a better experience for them. Additionally, it is a great way to stay connected with thought leaders in my industry."
Jim Cornelius, Baird,
Vice President, Solution Architect
HM Health Solutions
"Our Axway connections have allowed us to collaborate with industry thought leaders, rapidly advancing Highmark’s API Program to deliver digital business value. Our health plan customers are noticing."
Marc Patterson, HM Health,
Lead Architect, Enterprise Architecture Strategy and Innovation
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
"I appreciate the opportunity to share the success my team has had both internally at my company and externally with my peers."
Peter Neuhauser, Division Manager, Bundesagentur für Arbeit
"Axway has been a great support to us – not only in running an API platform but also in increasing our visibility for potential partners in the digital market."
Christoph Berentzen, Head of API & Open Banking, Commerzbank AG
The Axway Advisory Councils: Learn, Share, Influence
Axway’s Advisory Councils are a key engagement opportunity for customers to collaborate with peers and our product leadership team.
Join our Customer Advocacy Program today
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