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Axway survey finds consumers frequently have concerns about the privacy and security of their data |
Companies have an opportunity to build seamless digital experiences from a foundation of trust

Axway debates the future of the financial system at 'Open Banking Week'

Channel 360 |
Axway experts address the main challenges and solutions for implementing the system in Brazil

What if the future of the economy came via the platform model?

Journal du net |
Axway’s Emmanuel Methivier discusses the transformative power of APIs and the platform model

Major components of successful project management

iFour Technolab |
Vince Stammegna, Senior Director of Engineering, SaaS, discusses

Why API Platforms should be open

Nordic APIs |
Presentation by Axway Catalyst Erik Wilde

Zero Trust: Moving from perimeter security to API-layer, continuous authentication

VMBlog |
Axway’s Francois Lascelles discusses

Most U.S. consumers are concerned about app privacy: Study

Media Post |
Axway survey shows consumers are nervous about their privacy

Transformation, disruption, and gender diversity in tech

Information Week |
Journalist Joao-Pierre Ruth describes Axway Summit panelists’ thoughts on diversity in the workforce

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