Axway Financial Integration
Seamless, scalable payment exchange between banks and corporations, inter-bank transactions, and real-time payments via EBICS from standalone setups to cluster systems for large institutions.

Payment file exchange that complies with all standards
Financial Integration supports SEPA exchanges using the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) between customers and banks, and between banks and clearing/settlement mechanisms.
Payment files and payment reports
Uses the EBICS channel between banks and their customers (corporations), the bank acts as server, either to receive payments from its customers or to send payment reports to these same customers.
Files containing payment and other financial information
Uses the EBICS channel with other banks and financial institutions, such as German banks that exchange files with the Bundesbank as well as for bank-to-bank exchanges. The sending institution is client and the receiving one is server.
Corporate-to-bank exchanges
EBICS Gateway is always a responder in the EBICS exchange. When receiving the payment file from the corporate entity, the gateway stores the file in a shared file system and processes the exchange's metadata.
Bank-to-bank transactions
EBICS Gateway is the initiator-sender and responder-receiver. By moving the file to send in a monitored directory, the supplied file is sent by the client stack of EBICS Gateway to the other bank without having to wait.
Real-time instant payments
EBICS Gateway is initiator-sender and responder-receiver. As in bank-to-bank, it minimizes the overall end-to-end exchange time to a real-time exchange mode from application-to-application.
EBICS monitoring
Axway MFT Sentinel collects information about EBICS gateway activity – providing visibility for message-processing lifecycle information, system status, and business visibility in a dashboard for key performance indicators (KPI)
The industry standard for secure and reliable file data integration
Our commitment to security – in culture and process – enables Axway to offer you enterprise-grade MFT with available SLA options up to 99.99% and follow-the-sun support. Our always-on solutions leverage Axway MFT on-premises, or in any cloud, so you can rest easy knowing your solution is the industry standard for secure, reliable, and efficient file data integration.