Corporate Social Responsibility
As a committed and responsible software company, Axway operates to the highest ethical standards and focuses on creating value for all its stakeholders.

Our CSR objectives
Axway's Corporate Social Responsibility revolves around three commitments: Social as an Employer, Societal through the relationships established with the various stakeholders in its ecosystem, and Environmental as an economic player sensitive to the impact of its activities.
Our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact
“I am proud to confirm that Axway supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. This endorsement perfectly reflects our desire to be a committed and responsible player in the digital sector.”
- Patrick Donovan, CEO at Axway
2023 CSR performance indicators
Carbon intensity: 32.3 TCO2eq by €M of revenue
Employee Engagement Score: 69%
Net Promoter Score: 37
95% of employees completed at least one training course
31.2% of the Axway workforce is women
Average employee seniority: 9 years
Materiality matrix of our CSR challenges
Materiality analysis is central to Axway's CSR approach. Its purpose is to assess and prioritize CSR challenges by their level of importance for the company and its stakeholders. This matrix has served as the foundation for defining our strategic CSR priorities.
External recognition

A signatory since 2017, each year Axway renews its support to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact

With a score of 70/100 Axway obtains the EcoVadis silver medal and is positioned in the top 7% of all assessed companies

With a score of 67/100, well above the overall average for companies assessed, Axway was awarded the silver medal in the EthiFinance ranking

Since 2022 Axway has participated annually in the CDP assessment

Axway maintains certification for ISO 27001 covering its entire Customer Success Organization (Technical Support, Professional Services, Managed Cloud Services)

2023 Universal Registration Document

2023 CSR Report

Code of Ethics

Supplier & Partner Charter

Whistle-Blowing Procedure